Big Easy Street Sounds

The Sparks

Ronald Massel,

Don Counell.

The original five members consisted of Don Bailey, who plays bass and sings; Owen Bougeois, pianist; Ronald Massel, who plays saxophone; Don Counell, a drummer; and Joe Lovecchio, another sax man.

Above infocirca 1955.


Photos courtesy Earl Stanley.

Ronald Massell, Don Counell,

Owen Bougeois, Don Bailey and

Joe Lovecchio recorded Merry, Merry Lou.

Owen Bourgeois,

Don Bailey and Joe Lovecchio.

Several months ago, Universal-International Pictures sponsored a "Battle of the Bands" talent contest in New Orleans. The winning group, out of teenaged contestants from 3 states, was the Sparks. First prize was a Decca audition - and when they returned home it was with a recording contract. Their first release couples OL' MAN RIVER and MERRY, MERRY LOU.

J.V. Papania.

J.V. joined the group soon after.

Photo Gallery Q - T

Now Appearing The Sparks

Big Easy Street Sounds

Copyright (c) 2003 – 2023 Clinton and Estelle Crayton